As Somca Gıda Dağıtım Ve Pazarlama A.Ş. (“Maydonoz Döner”), we have prepared this General Disclosure Statement in order to provide information about our data processing activities with regard to the personal data that we may acquire from relevant Data Owners in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (the “Law”) and to fulfill our obligation to inform in this regard.

This General Disclosure Statement is intended to provide an overall information, hence detailed information about the subject is available in our "Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy” provided at the web address “www.maydonozdoner.com”.

As Maydonoz Döner, we attach great importance to processing the personal data of our employees, employee candidates, suppliers, visitors, customers and shareholders, officials and employees of our business partners in accordance with the Law.


The Data Controller is the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing the data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system. In this context, as Maydonoz Döner, we determine how the personal data of the Data Owners will be processed and manage the data recording system accordingly. In other words, we act with the capacity of a data controller while processing your personal data.


Maydonoz Döner processes the personal data of its employees, employee candidates, the shareholders, officials and employees of the business partners, customers, suppliers and visitors in order to maintain its commercial activities and to duly respond to product and service requests.


Your personal data is collected through the following means and methods:

  • Means of Collecting Personal Data: Your personal data are collected when you personally fill out forms or share your information with us in physical environments, when you fill out a communication, suggestion, application and complaint form on the website or digital environments, over the phone, by mail, by a courier, e-mail, through our website, mobile application and social media platforms, through the call center, in our restaurants and through other means.
  • Methods of Collecting Personal Data: Your personal data are collected partially automatically or by non-automatic methods on condition of being part of a data recording system.



The purposes of processing your personal data, as Maydonoz Döner, in accordance with the Data Owner groups are as follows:

  • Employees Maydonoz Döner processes the personal data of its employees in order to fulfill the requirements of labor and social security legislation, to be able to take out health and personal accident insurance, to be able to execute human resources processes, to provide fringe benefits and to manage the remuneration policy.
  • Employee Candidates Maydonoz Döner processes the personal data of employee candidates in order to manage the recruitment process.
  • Shareholders, Officials and Employees of Business Partners: Maydonoz Döner processes the personal data of the shareholders, officials and employees of its business partners in order to be able to carry out its commercial activities, to provide risk and organizational process management, to duly respond to requests and complaints as soon as possible.
  • Customers: Maydonoz Döner processes the personal data of its customers with the purpose to establish an accurate and qualified communication, to be able to carry out sales/ after-sales services for products and services as well as customer order processes, to provide products and/or services through our franchise restaurants or other channels (call center, website, mobile application etc.), to manage requests and complaints, memberships submitted via the website and mobile application, to manage social media accounts and the communication that our customers will establish with us through these channels, to carry out promotion, marketing, survey, sweepstakes, gift delivery, competition, campaign and advertising activities through various channels (website, social media platforms, mobile application etc.) with the purpose to improve the services and product quality offered by the Company and to ensure customer satisfaction if you have provided your explicit consent and permission to receive commercial communications/bulletins, to provide general and specific offers, to carry out information and communication activities and to perform analyses in order to anticipate the possible demands of the customers in advance, to obtain camera recordings at our workplaces for security purposes, to be able to fulfill the legislative obligations, to conduct internal and independent audits, to be able to provide information / documents to authorized institutions and organizations and to manage the accounting and finance process.
  • Suppliers: Maydonoz Döner processes the personal data of its suppliers with the purpose to establish an accurate and qualified communication, to be able to carry out consultancy / sales / after-sales services for products and services, to be able to fulfill the legislative obligations, to conduct internal and independent audits, to be able to provide information / documents to authorized institutions and organizations and to manage the accounting and finance process and to ensure communication.
  • Visitors: Maydonoz Döner processes the personal data of the visitors of its restaurants and website in order to ensure the physical security of the restaurants, to duly respond to requests as soon as possible and in the most reliable way, to carry out our campaigns, advertising and promotional activities.


The processed personal data may be transferred to:

  • the real and legal persons with whom we have a franchise relationship and to our business partners, particularly our suppliers,
  • contracted institutions and organizations,
  • the officials and shareholders of our Company,

we can transfer

in order to fulfill the obligations arising from franchise, sales, business and similar agreements, to create an order and to carry out the order tracking process, to be able to carry out product and service-related activities effectively and to the extent necessary. Provided that it is limited to the scope of the legal authority of private legal persons as well as public institutions and organizations, your personal data may also be transferred to legally authorized private legal persons and public legal persons. Maydonoz Döner takes all the technical and administrative measures necessary for the protection of your personal data by acting in compliance with the general principles set out in Article 4 of the Law regarding the transfer of personal data and the rules concerning the transfer of personal data as set out in Article 8 of the Law.



The processing and transfer of personal data of the Data Owners is subjected to obtaining the prior explicit consent of the Data Owner. However, personal data may be processed without seeking the explicit consent of the Data Owner only in cases where one of the following conditions is met:

  • It is expressly provided for by the laws,
  • It is necessary for the protection of life or physical integrity of the person himself/herself or of any other person, who is unable to explain his/her consent due to the physical disability or whose consent is not deemed legally valid,
  • Processing of personal data of the parties of a contract is necessary, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of the contract,
  • Hukuki yükümlülüğün yerine getirilmesi için zorunlu olması,
  • It is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject,
  • Personal data have been made public by the Data Owner himself/herself,
  • Data processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or protection of any right,

durumunda ilgili kişinin kişisel verileri işlenebilecek ve aktarılabilecektir.

Personal data relating to the race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, religious sect or other belief, appearance, membership to associations, foundations or trade-unions, data concerning health, sexual life, criminal convictions and security measures, and the biometric and genetic data are deemed to be special categories of personal data. It is prohibited to process special categories of personal data without explicit consent of the Data Owner. In cases where there is no explicit consent;

  • Personal data, except for data concerning health and sexual life, listed in the first paragraph may be processed without seeking explicit consent of the data owner, in the cases provided for by laws; in other words, if there is a clear provision regarding the processing of personal data in the law to which the relevant activity is subject.
  • Sağlık ve cinsel hayata ilişkin özel nitelikli kişisel verilerPersonal data concerning health and sexual life may only be processed, without seeking explicit consent of the data owner, by the persons subject to secrecy obligation or competent public institutions and organizations, for the purposes of protection of public health, operation of preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and nursing services, planning and management of health-care services as well as their financing.



Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law, each person has the right to refer to Maydonoz Döner about him/her:

  • to learn whether his/her personal data are processed or not,
  • to demand for information as to if his/her personal data have been processed,
  • to learn the purpose of the processing of his/her personal data and whether these personal data are used in compliance with the purpose,
  • to know the third parties to whom his/her personal data are transferred in country or abroad,
  • to request the rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data, if any, and to request reporting of the operations carried out in this context to third parties to whom his/her personal data have been transferred,
  • to request the erasure, destruction or anonymization of his/her personal data in the event that the reasons for the processing no longer exist and to request reporting of the operations carried out in this context to third parties to whom his/her personal data have been transferred,
  • to object to the occurrence of a result against the person himself/herself by analyzing the data processed solely through automated systems,
  • to claim compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of his/her personal data.

To exercise your rights mentioned above, you should submit your request explaining you intention to exercise your rights specified in Article 11 of the Law together with the necessary personal identifying information;

  • Through our web page: ‘’www.madonozdoner.com’’, by filling out the Data Owner Application Form, or
  • Posta yoluyla: Maydonoz Döner’e ait iş yeri adresi Altayçeşme Mah., Öz Sok., No:19, TRC Plaza, Kat:3, Daire No:19-20, Maltepe / İSTANBUL